Special thanks to the members of the Visioning committee for their leadership and for their outreach, especially at the weekend masses. Initial numbers of the ballots are very good and we are pleased with the number of folks who took the time to offer their comments and feedback. We hope that the presentation offered clarification and we hope to be able to offer a more substantial analysis in the next couple of weeks. If you were not present at the weekend masses and are interested in filling out a ballot or would like more information on the process please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the Visioning committee or you can call me at the parish office. You can also vote online at stalbertnewmancenter.org The deadline for submitting a ballot is Friday, July 10, 2015.
You’ll be happy to know the report from CARA (Center of Applied Research in the Apostolate) with results from the parish survey we did a few months ago is on its way. I took a very quick glance at the digital report and once the Parish Pastoral Council decides how to best share this information, I’ll offer those details in the very near future!
Happy Independence Day!
Fr. Ray