Just imagine what the world would be tomorrow if all the Christians who heard this Gospel that is being proclaimed today in every corner of the world, were to listen intently, heed the message, and put it into practice. Hear once again the words Luke has Jesus saying to his disciples: "Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give, and the gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you." There you have the makings of a personal transformation and a social revolution. Just imagine what the world would be like on Monday morning if all the Sunday churchgoers throughout the world who heard those words translated them into action?
Hola amigos,
Imaginense como seria el mundo manana si todos los cristianos que eschuaron este evangelio que se esta proclamando hoy en cada rincon del mundo, escucharan atentamente, prestaran atencion al mensaje y lo pusieran en practica. Escuchen una vez mas las palabras que Lucas tiene Jesus diciendo a sus discipulos (un mensaje que Jesus seguramente nos repetiria hoy a todos nosotros): "No juzguen y no seran juzgados, no condenen y no seran condenandos, perdonen y seran perdonados. Den y se les dara: recibiran una medida buena, bien sacudida, apretada y rebosante en los pliegues de su tunica. Porque con la misma medida con que median, seran medidios." Ahi teneis los ingredientes de una transformacion personal y una revolucion social. Imaginese como seria el mundo el lunes por la manana si todos los que van a misa el domingo en todo el mundo escucharan esas palabras y las pusieran en accions!
Fr. Alex Urena