I am writing to you from Costa Rica. I chose a beautiful place to refresh and re energize and I continue to think and pray for you.The people of Costa Rica have a logo that says: "Pura Vida".
There are two abiding and important religious questions, both significant but one more important than the other, that we tend to confuse in their order of importance. The first on e is "What is God like?" This is a theological question of enormous importance, and exploration into God, and important question to be investigated reverently in prayer and systematically in study and reflection. The second important question is "What must I do?" "How should behave?" This is a question of moral theology, of religious ethics, a question of moral right and wrong.
Most of us tend to put the second question first, and to leave the explanation into God for others who are more powerful, more intellectual and more faithful. We want to make sure we live within our moral boundaries which are to do the right thing, do good and avoid evil.
Today's Gospel story of the Prodigal Son tells us a lot about what God is like. Some would call it the story of the Prodigal Father because it presents for our consideration a wonderfully generous, warm, forgiving, understanding father who runs out and literally trips over himself in his hurry to gather up an errant son in a forgiving embrace. Jesus is painting a portrait in his story, a portrait of his Father. Jesus is telling us here what God is really like.
Estimados amigos,
Saludos desde Costa Rica. Me tome la libertad de descansar unos cuantos dias y visitar el mundo. Este es un pais muy hermoso y su gente muy amigable. Aqui tienen un dicho que todo mundo usa: "Pura Vida" y "mae" Pura vida ese un dicho para referise a que todo esta bien o correcto. El otro "mae" es un seudonimon que quiere decir: "hombre" "tu", etc. En general ha sido una bonita experienca.
Ahora permitanme escribirles un poco sobre la historia del Hijo Prodigo. Algunos se refieren a esta historia como las histroia del Padre amoraso, del Padre que perdona. En realidad hay muchas maneras de como analizar esta historia. Pero no cabe duda de que una de esas interepretaciones es el amor de Padre hacia su hijo se ha descarriado de camino. El Padre no lo duda en salir a recibirlo con los brazos abiertos y abrazarlo como lo que es, su hijo. Esta es una manera de explicar el amor tan grande que tiene Dios por nosotros. Ojala sepamos regresar a retomar ese amor que Dios tiene por ti y por mi cada vez que le fallemos.
Fr. Alex Urena