With all of the area university and high school graduations complete, summer vacation is upon us! What's on the plan for this year's summer break? We're in the brainstorming stage of offering either a movie series or a book study; if you're interested in helping with either or both of these summer activities, please let me know, ASAP. These summer months can be a great opportunity for renewal and rest. It can also be a time to either enjoy or begin a new hobby; this could be the best time to start that book or finish that movie or spend time with a friend. There's a great temptation to waste the next 6-8 weeks; please consider making this the best summer season yet!
Congratulations to both Fr. Alex on his 1st year priestly ordination and to Msgr. John Anderson on his 50th anniversary. Please keep them both in prayer! I'll be away on a silent retreat this week, Monday - Friday, at Christ in the Desert Benedictine monastery, just north of Santa Fe. Know that our parish family and our parish initiatives will be in my prayerful intentions and please keep me in your prayers this week.
Fr. Ray