As the fall semester starts our Religious Education programs do as well. Sr. Nancy happily reports that numbers are great this year; in fact, for our younger grades (1-3) we are at capacity and the classes are closed. RE classes begin September 12/13, with the exception of Confirmation II, which will begin a week later. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) begins on September 13. The RCIA is a process of formation for those folks who are either non baptized, who have a desire to enter into the Catholic church as well as for those who need to complete one of more sacraments, i.e. First Holy Communion, Penance and/or Confirmation. If you or someone you know needs to complete a sacrament, please call the office and we can certainly assist you!
Fr. Alex is away this weekend. He’s visiting the parish where he assisted while a deacon and 4th year student, in Sealy, TX. Please pray for his safe travel and he’ll be back with us next week.
Fr. Ray