First of all I want to thank you for participating in the Lenten Mission with Fr. Chris Valka. I know that he was happy to be back at Newman to share his thoughts and insights about “generous Dialogue.” I hope that you were able to get it. Too bad I could not be there because of a commitment in Houston. St. Jerome's Catholic Church in Houston had been inviting me to go to their community for their Lenten Mission the last three years. It was until this year that I was able to be with them thanks to Fr. Chris Valka that was willing to come and take my place for a few days. St. Jerome is a predominantly Hispanic community with a few thousand families. I was very impressed during the Sunday masses to see the church full and very active. During the Mission, a few hundred people showed up every day. I was very pleased with the response of the people. I talked to them about “Forgiveness,” how everybody has the need to forgive and to be forgiven. This is the key to be free!
As we come closer to Easter, I invite you to continue meditating in these mysteries of the Passion of Christ and his unconditional love for us. Next weekend is Palm Sunday and the entrance to Holy Week. Come and experience Jesus' entrance to Jerusalem.
Fr. Alex Ureña