As you probably heard last weekend, if you were here, Fr. Alex is being transferred to a new parish. Please join me in congratulating him on this new assignment; St. Francis de Paula in Tularosa and its missions, which include Cloudcroft, Bent and La Luz. I join with the parish staff, Deacon Dave, and seminarian Frankie, in thanking Fr. Alex for his service to our faith community this past year. He has been a joyful and wonderful presence to our parish and it has been a delight to see him grow into his priesthood this very first year. At both the deaconate and priesthood ordination we make a promise of obedience to the bishop of the diocese and trust that the Holy Spirit is working in and through him; we are asked to be radically available to be sent wherever and whenever he calls. There are a number of other area churches who are also in transition; Holy Cross, San Albino and Our Lady of Health just to name a few. Please keep all of these local parishes in your prayers as they make the transition.
Congratulations to all NMSU and DACC graduates! A special thanks to Campus Ministry for all of their hard work this past week; it’s been a busy one! A special shout out to our campus ministry team: Sal, Mona and our two student interns: Rene and Steven, as well as to the numerous amounts of students who give of their time and energy. It’s been a great spring semester; please keep the university community in prayer as they either move onto another chapter of life, or just a summer break. Have a great summer!
Fr. Ray