As we welcome the month of September, the Sacred Scriptures give us beautiful readings for us to think about humility. As Sirach speaks to in the first reading. This book offers us wonderful exposure to Israelite wisdom literature. As the first reading mentions "My child, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts." Now there's a congenial quid pro-quo. Be humble and you will be loved, not only show yourself to be lovable, but be, in fact, loved.
"Humble yourself the more, the greater you are," says Sirach," and you will find mercy in the sight of God." Are you familiar with the saying "The bigger they are, the harder they fall," but not all "big" shots pay much attention to this saying. The wisdom we heard proclaimed this weekend says, in effect, the bigger you are the more attentive you should be to humility. "The mind of the wise," says Sirach, "appreciates proverbs and the ear that listens to wisdom rejoices." Are we wise enough to listen or, in your case, are the ears largely ornamental?
Estados Amigos,
Como veran, este domingo le damos la bienvenida al mes del Septiembre. Dicen que el tiempo vuela. Donde quedo el mes de agosto? Asi que hay seguir sacandole proveche a la vida. De hecho, las lecturas de este fin de semana nos hablan sobre la sabiduria de la literatura israelita. Es una sabiduria que se puede aplicar a nuestra vida cotidiana. El libro del Eclesiastico o Siracides nos dice, "Hijo mio, en tus asuntos procede con humildad y te amaroan mas que el hombre dadivoso." Jesus mismo nos recuerda de ser humidles cuando nos dice en el evangelio: "el que se engrandece a si mismo, sera humilado; y el que se humilla, sera engrandecidio."
Fr. Alex Urena