This weekend the church celebrates Gaudete Sunday, the third week of Advent. Gaudete is a Latin word that simply means "rejoice" and it is taken from Paul's letter to that early Christian community in Philippi. He was writing the letter to both encourage and to affirm them."Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Let your forbearance be known to all, for the Lord is near at hand; have no anxiety about anything, but in all things, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. Lord, you have blessed your land; you have turned away the captivity of Jacob." Phil 4:4-6
Christmas is quickly approaching; please take note of the Mass schedule, it's the same as last year. Please keep the children in your prayers as they prepare for the Christmas pageant, which will be performed on Christmas eve, at 3:30, immediately before the 4 p.m mass. Consider inviting a friend, neighbor or family member to our Christmas celebrations; all are welcome!
If you took a cutout from the Giving Tree, please make every effort to return the wrapped gift by no later than Sunday, December 14. Thanks so much for your consideration and I'm sure that the folks who will receive the gifts are grateful as well.
Prayerful question / mediation for the week: how do I express and live my joy?
Fr. Ray