This weekend, the feast of Christ the King, marks the last Sunday of the church's liturgical year. As we approach a "new year" it might be a good idea, as well as a good spiritual practice, to take some time to review this past year. Perhaps these questions will help in that prayerful reflection:
1. How has God been present & active in my life? What have I noticed?
2. How have the life experiences of the past twelve months shaped me?
3. How can I share my gifts with others? What is God asking me to do?
The season of Advent, the next four, short weeks, will take us to Christmas. Advent is a time to prayerfully prepare for the celebration of Jesus into our world.
Next Tuesday, December 2nd at 7:30pm our parish will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please pray for the children who will be doing this for the very first time. I would encourage all of our parishioners to participate, if possible, as we will have many priests available for individual confession that evening. This is a very special way to prepare for Christmas.
Fr. Ray