We're in just the first of the six week period of Lent. How's it going so far? Last week I recommended a couple of concrete ways to help us along the path to prayer; those being attending daily mass and prayerfully walking through the Stations of the Cross.
This week I'd like to share about our parish almsgiving project. This year's focus is on hunger and how we can better respond to that need in a very practical way. We're inviting folks to become more informed and intentionally engaged; informed about those folks who are hungry to learn more about their particular situations and to offer our assistance. Sometimes it's more convenient to simply write a check and be done with the project, but we're asking you to go a step further and to pick up a list of food items and to shop, purchase and then drop those items off at the church. In doing so, we're hoping to create a more intentional way of reaching out to and assisting a person in need. We're hoping to collect enough food baskets to feed 250 families. If, for whatever reason, you're simply not able to shop for the project, you're free to offer a monetary donation.
Each week, at the weekend masses, a family will bring up a food basket, as a way to help us grow in awareness and to pray for all those who are hungry. You're able to acquire a shopping list either at the back of the parish hall or go onto our parish website and you can download the information from there. I appreciate your generous consideration for our Lenten almsgiving project. Next week we'll talk about fasting and its importance! Have a blessed week!
Fr. Ray