Welcome to our parish ministry fair: “one heart, many hands!” We hope that after mass you’ll take some time to browse the different ministries and perhaps ask a question or two, and even sign up to participate in something that interests you! I’d like to thank the members of the parish pastoral council who have worked diligently to make this happen; it’s taken a lot of behind the scenes effort and energy to pull this off: thanks!
This past Monday I had the wonderful opportunity to visit one of our First Communion classes. The kids were involved in making the communion bread that we usually use at mass. It was a great time to watch as they dirtied their little hands with the water and flour. As they waited for the bread to bake they asked questions. Please pray for all of our First Communion students; in just a few short weeks they will be receiving the Eucharist for the very first time.
If you haven’t already made a pledge to this year’s United in Ministry appeal, I’d ask you to prayerfully consider making one, especially in the name of one of our seminarians. As you might already know our UIM goal has increased substantially for 2016/17 and we really need your assistance in making our goal. This year’s goal is just about set at $80,000.
Fr. Ray