We are soon coming to the end of another liturgical year. This weekend, plus, next weekend which is the feast of Christ the King. We will then be in the first Sunday of Advent. Being that we are towards the end of the liturgical year, the readings that we will hear around this time are eschatological. What does that mean? It means that we are hearing about the last things. The things that are to take place at the end of the world. We know that our world as we know it will not continue forever. God has other plans for us and that is, to be with him forever.
Last week, the Diocese of Las Cruces published a list of 26 priests (one religious women and one religious brother) against whom there were credible allegations of sexual misconduct with minors between 1955-2000. All of those listed are either deceased or no longer active in ministry. You can read the letter that Bishop Gerald F. Kicanes sent to all parishes HERE. The purpose of this letter is to be as transparent as possible and invite anyone who has been harmed to come forward. This has been a very difficult time for everyone. I believe that many good things are to come and I encourage to pray for our church, if what it needs is a cleansing, so be it. I ask that your pray for the victims, their families and for all priests.
Many blessings,
Fr. Alex Urena