I read the first sentence of today’s reading again. It comes from the Book of Wisdom that says: “Indeed, before the Lord, the whole universe is like a grain from a balance, or a drop of morning dew come down upon the earth.” Talk about a mind stretching concept! Talk about getting a bit of help to keep things in perspective! Size yourself up as you listen to those words again: “Indeed, before the Lord, the whole universe (all lands, all seas, all the planets, all people, all of creation) is like a grain from a balance, or a drop of morning dew come down upon earth.” Picture yourself then, “before the Lord.” Pretty small, yes; but not at all insignificant. “For you love all things that are,” the reading goes on to say. Speaking of the Lord, “and (you) loathe nothing that you have made.” It may become easier for you to understand the profound meaning of all this when we come momentarily consider the story of Zacchaeus, that small but by no means insignificant fellow who shows up in today’s Gospel story. But for now, stay fixed, dear friends, in your mind’s eyes, “before the Lord.” Compare yourself, as the Book of Wisdom invites the comparison, with “the whole universe.” See yourself from the perspective of the all powerful, eternal, Triune God. See yourself as God saw you before you or anyone else was even created.
Estimados amigos,
Quiero que escuchen las palabras de la primera lectura del libro de la Sabiduría. “Señor, delante de ti, el mundo entero es como un grano de arena en la balanza, como gota de rocío mañanero, que cae sobre la tierra.” ¿Después de escuchar estas palabras, como nos sentimos? Es bueno escuchar esto y ponerlo en perspectiva. Si el mundo entero es como un grano en una balanza, ¿qué tan grande nos consideramos nosotros delante del Señor? Yo creo que muy pequeños, cierto? Pero esto no quiere decir que no somos importantes ante Dios ni insignificantes. La lectura continúa diciendo: “Porque tú amas todo cuanto existe y no aborreces nada de lo que has hecho.” Esto está también reflejado en la historia de Zaqueo, que siendo un hombre bajo de estatura, sigue siendo grande ante los ojos de Dios ya que la salvación ha llegado a esa casa.
Fr. Alex Urena