Last Sunday Bishop Cantú confirmed our students and it was a very beautiful celebration. Our religious education program is finished for the semester and we are delighted with the students who participated this year and look forward to seeing them again next semester. On behalf of the parish staff, I’d like to thank all of the teachers and their assistants for their hard work and dedication for our children.
Congratulations to all of the high school seniors who are graduating this! Please know that you are in our prayers as you discern God’s plan for your life.
This weekend we will take registrations for the Diocesan 2nd Annual Eucharistic Congress, which is scheduled for the first weekend of June. The theme of the weekend is “Roots that Nourish” and will include keynote speakers: Dr. Carolyn Woo, the CEO of Catholic Relief Services, the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States, and Bishop José Guadalupe Torres, the new bishop of Juarez.
Fr. Ray