I'm away this weekend, but next weekend I'll be offering the annual State of the Parish address, as a way to share the good news of what's happened here this past year and what we have to look forward to in 2017. Once again, I'll be framing the talk with the three categories of miracles, milestones and mission.
Who'd like some homework? Using the above mentioned categories, individually what have been the miracles and milestones in your own life? How about your own sense of mission? How is God calling you to partner with Him to change the world?
As we process this year of review and look forward to '17 it might be a good idea to personally joy down some specific moments of grace that occurred in the last year and to prayerfully reflect on how God was present and active in those events. I was visiting recently with a friend of mine and one of her goals this year is to be more mindful, to be more present to what's happening, right now. So often we live in the past, with a great sense of regret for missed opportunities or we look forward to the future with worry and anxiety. Perhaps we can take a page from my friend's New Year resolution and be more mindful and present to how God is truly alive and active.
Fr. Ray