This is our fourth and last Sunday of Advent. You can tell we are getting closer to Christmas by the traditional greeting that shoppers say in the stores: "I think I was next!"
In today's gospel we hear the angel has appeared to Mary and announced to her that God wanted her to be the mother of the long awaited Messiah. The angel informs Mary that her aged relative, Elizabeth, who had wanted all her life to have a baby was now going to have one. Mary, St. Luke tells us, traveled in haste to be with Elizabeth. This was a sign that as the angel said to Mary "Nothing is impossible with God."
With this thought in mind, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas! May the Son of God and Mary, bring you peace, love and happiness to your families and your heart.
On behalf of the Newman parish staff, receive our love and appreciation for all you for this community. May baby Jesus be born in your heart!
Estimados amigos,
Estamos en la ultima semana de Adviento. Ahora nos preparamos para celebrar la Navidad, el Naciemiento de Hijo de Dios. De parte de todos los que trabajamos en St. Alberto Magno, queremos desearles una Feliz Navidad!j Que el espirtu navideno les traiga paz, amor y felicidad a sus familias y a sus corazones. Gracias por ser parte de esta comunidad. Seguimes rezando para que nuestra misa de Espanol siga creciendo. Nuevamente, gracias por acompanarnos en esta preparacion del Nacimiento del nino Dios.
Fr. Alex Urena