Please join me in welcoming all new and returning NMSU and DACC students!
This weekend our parish social ministry group is having a kick off for Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, which is an initiative sponsored by the United Stated Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). It should be viewed as a teaching document on the political responsibility that we have; it offers guidance and direction, as we prepare to vote in the November elections. If you'd like more information and a list of resources, as you prayerfully discern, please refer to
Next Sunday I'll be in Chicago for a very short but important event. A friend of mine, Bro. Joe, is making his formal professions with the Augustinians, at St. Rita shrine. August 28th is the feast of St. Augustine. It's a special day for me as well; I was ordained a deacon, on this day, in 2004. Please keep Bro. Joe in your prayers as he continues his journey and for all of the men and women who are actively discerning a vocation to the priesthood and religious life. This is the same community that Fr. Tom belongs to; I'll also visit Fr. Tom and ask him when he's willing and able to come back and do another parish mission.
Fr. Ray