Last week I spoke about this time of waiting that we are in. Advent is a time of joyful anticipation, the prophet Baruch says, "to take off your robe of mourning and misery". God is leading his people "with his mercy and justice for company." God's people are "wrapped in the cloak of justice from God," and they "will be named by God forever the peace of justice."
Paul, too, speaks of this joyful time of anticipation, of waiting for "the day of Christ Jesus." He encourages the Philippians and us to grow in "love, understanding, wealth of experience, clear conscience, and blameless conduct." The message of John the Baptist goes along the same lines of preparing the way for the coming of Christ, to make straight the winding and to make smooth the rough ways. We need a "baptism of repentance," a cleansing from the old ways of "greed and darkness" and a commitment to a new way of living.
Hola amigos,
Esta es nuestra segunda semana de Adviento y nuestra segunda semana con nuestra Misa en espanol. Quiero
comunicarles que estoy muy contento por su respuesta a la primera misa. Tuvimos mas de 120 personas que atendieron a la celebracion. Para mi es un honor poder sevir al pueblo de Dios en los dos idiomas. Espero que me alluden a promover esta misa y asi hacerla crecer. A todos aquellos que colaboraron de alguna manera en la celebracion, muchas gracias. Ocumpamos de todos ustedes y ojala en un future cercano mas de ustedes se animen a ayder en los diferentes ministerios que se ocupan en las misa.
Fr. Alex Urena