Hello Friends,
Today in our first reading we hear Job lamenting his suffering. Depression really is evident when Job says, "I shall not see happiness again." Hopelessness is one of the major characteristics of depression. Whether Job was a real person or not, no one can say for sure, but the Book of Job definitely expresses a feeling we've all felt at times, that life is unfair. At the time this book was written (about 400/500 years before Christ), the view God's people had was that if we are good, all will go well, and if we're not, all kinds of terrible things will happen to us. We all know life doesn't always work that way. The Book of Job probes this problem without coming to a satisfactory answer. The author could only conclude God somehow must know what He is doing because we do not. However, even though Job despaired of ever being happy, his misfortunes were reversed in the end and he did die happy.
Fr. Alex Ureña