Today's second reading to the Corinthians, St. Paul says: "Brothers and sisters; As a body is one through it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also are Christ's body." A phrase attributed to St. Teresa of Avila says that "Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks out with compassion upon the world. Yours the feet with which he chooses to go about doing good. For as he is the head, so you are the members, and we are all one in Christ Jesus." We should take those words quite literally today. Christ no longer walks the earth unless feet like yours are there to take him where he would like to go. He has no hands, unless you offer him your own, to reach out and touch people who live now in oppressive conditions. Yours are quite literally the eyes though which he can look out on our world today, so punishment, oppressive working conditions and repressive rule. Take his perspective on addiction and hunger, on disability and discrimation. Christ has no eyes on earth, but your eyes, so go out and take a look from his perspective.
Querido Amigos,
La segunda lectura de San Pablo a los Corintios nos habla sobre la unidad. Nos dice que todaos somos partes de un mismo cuerop, el cuerpo de Cristo. Este presenta una realidad y responsabilidad que todos tenemos hacia cada uno de nuestros hermanos y hacia nuestra iglesia. Que bonito es cuando todos trabajamos parejos, cuando ponemos en practica nuestros talentos que Dios nos ha dado. Los invito a participar de la vida de nuestra comunidad en diferentes maneras. El Domingo pasado exprese la necesidad que tenemos acomodadores, sacristantes, mas miembros en el coro, etc. Asi que hay se los dejo da tarea. Si el Senor te esta llamando a servirlo a el y a tus hermanos el cualquier manera de estos, no te de miedo. Hay que poner nuestros talentos al sercicio de los demas. Recuerda que todos somos parte de un mismo cuerpo, del cuerpo de Cristo.