Please join me in congratulating our children as they celebrate their First Holy Communion this weekend! I’m sure that you’re as proud of them as I and look forward to seeing them grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus. I’d like to thank the RE teachers, specifically those who have helped shape and form our children, the last few years. Special thanks to the 1st Communion teachers: Regina, Veronica and Carla for their time and effort and the loads of energy that they so generously share with our young ones.
Please keep our university students, faculty and staff in prayer as they wind down another academic semester. Special congratulations to all students who will be graduating from either NMSU or DACC this year! Campus ministry is hosting a mass with reception on Friday, May 8, at 5:30. If you have any questions please feel free to contact either Sal or Mona. Also, CM is planning a few end of year activities this week; look for those events with further details in either the parish bulletin or on line on either the website or the Facebook page.
Finally, thanks to the parish pastoral council and all those who helped with the distribution and execution of the survey this past weekend. We had well over 1000 survey responses and we anticipate the initial official report in about 8-12 weeks. Stay tuned!
Fr. Ray