As we continue in this time of faithful watching and waiting, a time of Advent. This weekend we celebrate the second Sunday of Advent. As you all know, we already had some activities in the parish that continue pointing to the big day of Christmas. On Tuesday we had the parish Penance Service. An opportunity to clean our hearts and to prepare ourselves for the birth of God Emmanuel (God-with-us) in our families and hearts. Followed by that, we just celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast is about Mary. From now on we are going to hear about Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. This Sunday, there is a figure, a messenger that comes to prepare the way for Christ, John the Baptist. He proclaims a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He is aware that he is not the "One" to come, but that there is "One mightier" than he is coming after him. The One following John the Baptist will baptize with the Holy Spirit. The infant child Jesus wants to change our worlds, our families and our way of living. Though we have time to ponder the meaning of his birth or not, he is coming. Perhaps we are busy with our Christmas routines, checking off lists, ensuring we have purchased just the right gift, delivering food and presents, I encourage you to think about the real meaning of Christmas. Let's prepare our hearts for Him.
Fr. Alex Ureña