A man named Paddy (which is short for Patrick) came from Ireland to Boston. In a very short time, he began the practice of going to the local bar after work and ordering three beers. He wanted them served to him all at once. After a few weeks the bartender asked Paddy "Why do you insist on having all three beers served at the same time?" Paddy explained that when he lived in Ireland, he and his brothers always got togehter after work for a beer. He wanted to keep the spirit of getting together even though they still lived across the sea. A few months went by and one day Paddy came in and ordered just two beers. The bartender was concerned and asked if something happened to one of his brothers. Paddy said "No, it's nothing like that. You see it's Lent now and I've given up beer for Lent."
Every year on the first Sunday of Lent, we hear about Jesus going into the wildness for 40 days to fast and pray. This gospel is meant to inspire us to make these next 40 days a spiritual preparation for Easter through prayer and sacrifice. Paddy had the idea that this is time of sacrifice, but he wasn't going to overdo it!
There are an infinite number of things we can do to make these days special. Our goal can be to give up something such as actions or habits or attitudes that get in our way as we try to love God and others. Our goal can be positive as we try to do things that can help us grow in our love for God and others.
Estimados amigos,
Con las celebracion del miercoles de cenia comenzamos la cuaresma. Aunque este dia no es dia de obligacion, vemos como tanta gente particia de la misa y de la imposicion de la ceniza. Esto nos esta indicando que este dia es un dia especial porque nos conecta a algo mas profundo. Este tiempo de cuarsema, nosostros intencionalmente entramos en las practicas de ayunar, orar y hacer caridiad. El miercolos se nos recordo la importancia de estas intenciones. Hay que ver que es lo que nos motiva a hacer estas practicas. Ojala y nos sea para que otros miren lo que hacemos y nos echen porras, pero ojala sea para nuestra propia transfromcion. Jesus nos invita a entrar a esta cuaresma en lo que hacemos y nos echen porras, pero ojala sea para neustra propia transformacion. Jesus nos invita a entra a esta cuaresma en lo mas secreto de nuestro corazon. Ahi es donde la verdadera transformacion ocurre, esa transformacion que nos llevara a la Pascua.
Fr. Alex Urena