Last weekend, the confirmation class III had the opportunity to live this awesome encounter with God in the mountain of Sacramento. Anton, Jayne, seminarian Franky, myself and some college students were part of the staff that lead that Godly experience. There were some other students from other parishes that joined our retreat. It was a weekend full of different activities in which the students participated building community and experiencing the love of God in their lives. My prayer is that this retreat planted the seed of God's love and mercy in their lives. Thank you St. Albert the Great community for your prayers.
Now, we are celebrating Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Jesus continues in his journey up to Jerusalem. Palm Sunday begins an extraordinary week, a week that concentrate in a few days the ultimate meaning of our whole Christian life. We must slow ours lives down and make choices so that this week doesn't go by without our taking the time to enter into its meaning.
Fr. Alex