Please join me in congratulating the newest NMSU and DACC graduates! Blessings to you all!
I’d like to offer a very special thanks to the folks who have helped with Lunch Bunch this year. This is one of our most important ministries to our university community, particularly to our students, who really enjoy and appreciate the hospitality and great food that is served. It takes a tremendous amount of time, energy and effort to ensure that the meals are healthy and tasty, which they are! The volunteers that help throughout the week offer their hands and hearts to the students; in this gesture of generous and authentic hospitality, they are the very face of Christ to those who walk in the doors. As the academic semester comes to a close please keep our students, faculty and staff in your prayers, as they look to the summer recess.
On this Mother’s Day weekend I’d like to offer a word of gratitude to all of those “moms” of the parish community; God bless you all for your loving witness of living your vocation!
Fr. Ray