Please keep the NMSU university students who are attending Aggie Retreat VIII in prayer this weekend. This is a great opportunity for our students to meet the Lord and the lived experience is usually one that’s etched in their spiritual memory for a lifetime as a mountain top, face to face encounter. Special thanks to the student team; they have invested huge amounts of loving energy and effort, to ensure a successful retreat!
Next weekend our parish community will be invited to what we’re calling a Ministry fair. All of our ministries will be on display and able to answer any questions that you might have. I’d ask you to prayerfully consider joining one of our parish ministries, if you aren’t already involved.
You’ll be invited to stop by the booths / tables of the different ministries and to check out what each one does and how they help animate the life of our parish family. There will be treats after each of the weekend masses; please make some time to stay a little while and visit with our friends and family! Thanks to the members of the parish council and staff, and all others, who have given of their time and energy to make this next weekend a success!
Fr. Ray