The semester is off and running! The Campus Ministry calendar is getting more full by the day as students and staff plan for recurring and new ministry events. These events and activities typically fall under one of several areas of ministry as part of our comprehensive approach to campus ministry: Retreats, Mass & Liturgy, Spiritual Growth, Campus Outreach, Socials, and Social Justice & Service.
In the area of Social Justice, we are offering a monthly service opportunity called Service Saturdays. On the first Saturday of the month students will visit one of two local organizations in our community- Camp Hope tent city and Casa del Sol nursing center.
These visits will be an opportunity for students to respond to the call to serve the “least of these,” a call based in Scripture (Matthew 25) and echoed in Pope Francis’ encouragement to reach out to those on the “margins” of society.
We may typically think of charity/service as donating clothing or serving food, however, students engaging in Service Saturdays will give something just as, if not more precious, their time and presence. We hope the conversations and interactions they have with the people at Casa del Sol and Camp Hope will be a tangible experience of several core teachings of our Catholic faith:
-We are all made in the image and likeness of God and are all deserving of respect, regardless of gender, age, social status, etc.
-While it is tempting to think first of ‘I’ and ‘me’, we are instead called to think of ‘we,’ of the larger community we are a part of, called to ask what is best for the common good.
Please pray for us as we move out of our comfort zones to meet people we might not normally meet and go places we might not normally go. In the spirit of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, may we find the courage to be merciful like the Father (Lk 6:37-38).