We are a good week and half into the fall semester, and it is hard not to notice the return of all the NMSU/DACC students as our Church is a bit fuller for the weekend Masses. While I enjoy the slower, quieter pace of the summer months, I appreciate the energy and enthusiasm students inject into our parish community. Welcome back students, we are truly blessed by your return!
Mona and I are taking a different approach to filling the campus ministry space in the bulletin this semester. Rather than solely post information on upcoming events, we’d like to use this space to share the Good News happening in Campus Ministry.
Each year before the semester begins, the students who will serve on our Student Campus Ministry Team gather for a week of prayer, planning, and playing together. This year we spent time at San Patricio Retreat Center reflecting on our baptismal call to be priest, prophet and king in the context of our ministry to the university community. The students on this year’s team (pictured at the right with Mona and Fr. Alex) are a very dedicated and faithful group! Please keep them and all of our efforts to share Christ’s presence through campus ministry in prayer.