A group of our student leaders have been working to improve our Campus Ministry presence on social media. While the idea of online ministry may be new to some of us, the students believe strongly in the importance of this type of outreach. Thankfully, they also have the skills to engage in this way of spreading the Gospel. Below and right is an example of a ’Member Monday’ post, a series they are doing via Instragram to introduce members of our ministry to one another. If you want to see more, look us up on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, all at NMSUCatholic.
Happy Monday! Take a moment to get to know our Servant Leader, Nick! He is from El Paso, Texas and graduated from Del Valle High School. He is 20 years old, majoring in Journalism and Mass Media. He hopes to have careers in photography, graphic design, and public relations, and hopefully work at Dynamic Catholic. (How cool is that!?) He enjoys taking pictures, being artsy and crafty, and hanging with friends! He heard about NMSU Catholic from his priest n El Paso, and he has now been with us for 2 years! Nick describes NMSU Catholic as “a ‘safe haven’ community where you can be yourself and express your thoughts on faith. It keeps you on track with your faith and has a positive impact on your life.” #MemberMonday