There are so many aspects of campus ministry that I find enjoyable and rewarding. One of my favorites is helping to create opportunities for students to engage with new people and experiences that invite them to think about themselves, others, and God in new, more profound ways. Last Saturday a group of our student leaders, the Service & Social Justice subteam, led their peers in a visit to Camp Hope, the local tent city, to share breakfast with the camp residents. In the week leading up to the event, the student leaders came up with a menu, went grocery shopping, prepared prayer, and planned for discussion after the visit. The morning of the Breakfast the student leaders and I were joined by a group of about 15 students who helped prepared almost 100 breakfast burritos in just an hour! During our time at Camp Hope students had the opportunity to meet people they wouldn’t normally meet- people who are homeless. Over a cup of coffee and casual conversation they met the residents, listened to their stories, and chatted over shared interests.
After the visit, our group reflected on the question, Jesus calls us to “love your neighbor as yourself”- how did you do that today? We loved our neighbor by taking the time to introduce ourselves and call each person by name. We loved our neighbor by listening to people’s stories and sharing some of our own. We loved our neighbor by reminding ourselves that we are called to this mission of love not just when we visit Camp Hope, but every day- at school, work, and home. In this spirit, I offer you the same question for reflection, how did you love your neighbor today?