The final week of the semester has arrived! This time of the year seems to always have a paradoxical feel. On the one hand, there is the season of Advent, with its themes of expectant waiting, hopeful anticipation, and cheerful preparation for Christmas. On the other, is the mad dash to the end of the semester filled with finals study sessions, paper writing, and project work. In campus ministry, we are aware of this tension and offer a place for students to find some Advent peace in the midst of the stressful conclusion of to the semester. This past Friday, students gathered for an evening of Advent prayer and reflection. This weekend, we will be distributing Finals Stress Relief Packages to faculty and students. These simple care packages are filled with snacks, but just as important, they are a reminder that our faith community offers our care and prayers for a successful exam week. On Monday evening at 8 pm, students are invited to gather for an hour of quiet, reflective prayer time with Taize Prayer, followed by a breakfast themed meal. We conclude our activities with a Christmas Party on Thursday at 7 pm in the Parish Hall, complete with a meal and a white elephant gift exchange. Please keep students and faculty in your prayers this week!